Project Description
The history of the Sigurtà Garden Park dates back to 14th May 1407, when, during the Venetian dominion of Valeggio sul Mincio, the patrician Gerolamo Nicolò Contarini bought the whole property which was then used entirely for agricultural purposes.
It was actually a farm or rather, the ancient documents tell us, a “brolo encircled by walls”, where brolo was an enclosed wooded knoll: with encircling walls, arable land and forage production for the livestock. There was also another space that formed part of the brolo: a small formal garden adjacent to the main house, created for the leisure time of the noble family. This original garden was effectively the beginning of what would become the Sigurtà Garden Park.
The history of the brolo unfolded as, to give added lustre to his property, the aristocrat Contarini had a ?Domus Magna” added to an already existing building in 1417. The structure was characterised by the principal dwelling house for the Contarini family and smaller buildings for those who worked